Thursday is Earth Day. If your family is like ours, we want to be good to the environment, but it seems like some of the things we know we should do make life a little difficult. Do you realize there are a lot of little things you can do to help save our earth?
You can fill up your own water bottle rather than buying bottled water. You can use reusable grocery bags when you shop. Those are two small things we're doing.
Switching to Marcal Small Steps paper products is another change you might consider. Marcal Small Steps products are made of from 100% premium recycled paper. That means no trees were harmed in the production of their paper products.
Marcal Small Steps products include toilet paper, paper towels, tissues and napkins. I was recently sent an assortment of products to try out and I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised. I didn't tell anyone that I was replacing our regular toilet paper with Marcal and I didn't get any complaints.
You really can't tell a difference between our regular paper products and Marcal Small Steps. We go through a ton of paper towels, so if we can make a change even to just the paper towels, I'll be happy, and I'm sure so will a lot of trees.
Speaking of trees, do you know if you switch to Marcal Small Steps that after just one year, a family of 4 will save 2 trees? After 20 years, 34 trees will be saved. You can use their Tree Calculator to figure out how many trees your family can save. (Click on "Make a Difference" to find it.)
You can go HERE to read more about Marcal Small Steps. You can also go HERE to print a coupon for $1 off 2 Small Steps products.
ONE Bargain Hunting Moms reader will win a Marcal starter kit (retail value $25) for yourself. The starter kit features an assortment of Marcal paper products—toilet paper, napkins, paper towels and facial tissues.
To enter:
- Leave a comment on this post telling me one SMALL step you're taking to help save the earth.
- Become a Facebook Fan
- Follow @bargainhntngmom on Twitter
- Send your followers a Tweet about this contest(include @bargainhntngmom in your tweet.)
Leave a comment for each entry! That means you can leave a total of 4 comments.
Giveaway will close on 4/26/10. Giveaway open to US residents only. Marcal provided me with samples and information for this review. They're also providing the Small Steps Starter Kit as a giveaway to one reader.