I want to introduce you to a cool new site called Tryazon! If you like to get your friends and family together to host a party AND get free stuff, this site is for you. (I don't know anyone who would turn that down!)
Tryazon lets you do just that. Simply sign up, apply to host a party and if you're selected, you'll get items to try out with your friends and family.
Right now, they have party openings for a Cook'n Recipe Exchange Party. Cook'n is a cool recipe organizer management service on the web. It lets you organize your recipes and shopping lists and you can sync them with your phone and tablet.
The video below is really great at showing you all it can do!
If you're interested in hosting a Cook'n Recipe Exchange Party with Tryazon, head on over and check them out. Even if you don't want to host this party, sign up anyway for future opportunities!
I'm going to be hosting a party myself, so I'll post an update all about my experience!