If you're in the northeastern part of the country, you've been dealing with snow, snow and more snow! We were lucky here in WV to miss most of it...until this week.
Even Niagara Falls is frozen!
This week has been not just a snow day, but an entire snow WEEK! School has been cancelled--even colleges have closed--and we've all been stuck in the house. The temperatures have dipped way below zero the past few days and nights, too.
You'd think that after living in Maine for almost 15 years, I would be used to this, but it seems that I never get used to being snowbound! We were lucky in that all we really needed was bread and milk before the storm hit. I had plenty of food I could pull from the freezer and my stockpile.
When I think of snow days, I think of kids playing in the snow, cooking comfort foods, hot cocoa and all the happy Pinterest imagery you can imagine. In reality, after a day or two, it becomes a house full of whiny children(even if your "children" are teens and older!) who want to do nothing but argue.
On the first day of Snow Week, I thought a nice big breakfast was in order. I put the bacon in the oven and then mixed up the pancake batter. Then I went searching for my big electric griddle.
It had disappeared.
After 20 minutes of searching, I found it. Then I couldn't find the plug for it. Without no electric, it's no good.
Finally found it. Turned it on and waited for it to heat up. After 10 minutes or so, I put on the first pancakes. After 5 minutes, they weren't at all ready to turn. I turned up the temp on the griddle...or so I thought. I actually turned it off. After 10 minutes, I realized what I'd done and had to toss the first batch of pancakes.
Finally breakfast was done, but I burned the bacon!
People whined because:
"It's too early." (It was 9:30am.)
"There's no strawberry syrup." (That stuff isn't good for you anyway.)
"I wanted waffles, not pancakes." (SERIOUSLY? Do you know what I went through to MAKE these pancakes?)
So that's how it went down and all this to let you know that if you WANT to pick up an electric griddle that is perfect for these "snow weeks," here's a nice one for just $23.99.
On the other hand, if you want to have them just make their own breakfast which I highly recommend, this Hamilton Beach Dual Breakfast Sandwich Maker will let you make your own breakfast sandwiches at home easily and quickly.