Every week, I'm going to try to post a money saving tip. Sometimes it might be to help you save money shopping online. Sometimes it will be grocery related.
Today's tip is something I've been doing for a long time. Coupons for meat are few and far between, so sometimes it's hard to find a deal. When you're shopping for a family, meat can make up a large portion of your grocery budget.
That's why I like to shop the meat markdowns at my local Kroger. Lately, I've been finding some awesome deals. I'm not sure if it's due to the fact that a new Walmart opened up nearby or not but I've been pleasantly surprised on my past few visits.
I took the meat above out of my freezer for this picture and these are just a few deals I've found lately. Many people will totally skip the markdowns or manager's specials because they think there must be something wrong with the meat in order for it to be marked down. Not so! Usually the meat is dated for the same day or the next day and that's it. When you can get the deals like I did above, why wouldn't you?
Just be sure to freeze it if you're not going to cook it that day!