This is one of the easiest ways to become more Green. Change your lightbulbs! We gradually replaced all our regular lightbulbs with bulbs like these from Office Depot and it really has made a difference. These bulbs last forever it seems! Buy some now--even if it's only to stop changing light bulbs every time you turn around! Pick up a pack for just $3.99. It's a steal! See, being green can be affordable, too! (The regular price was $5.99.) Spend $50 and shipping is free. Check out some more of the GREEN deals available at Office Depot.
Buy a Pack of 25 Office Depot(R) Green Recycled Hanging Folders And Get a FREE Green Canvas Bag.
Office Depot GREEN Recycled(30%) Envirocopy Paper Regular: $40.89 Per Case Now: $32.99 Per Case
Office Depot Recycled Lunch Napkins $5.29 package